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  • Writer's pictureMacy

Cedar Wood Essential Oil and Blends

Finally we are leaving the white snow behind and the daylight shines more. I start to see the cherry blossom and some tulips in my neighbor’s yard. I began my indoor gardening with some seeds and buds a few weeks ago. To be honest, it gives me some assurance whenever I see the results of my regular watering that I can bring more living energy to the world. (my young adulthood experience on pets and plant-caring is not something I am proud of)

Cherry Blossom Spring Time

Cherry Blossom Spring Time

Other than gardening, how do you feel about the sprouting and the running squirrels? I know my dogs loves fresh new grown grass and playful squirrels. For me, I start to plan some essential oil blends and summer fragrances for my next collection. I would like to share the amazing ingredient Cedar wood essential oil which I use in one of my essential oil blends and soaps.

Cedarwood is in the evergreen tree family, native to North America and other region of the word like Morocco, India, and China. Its appearance is usually mistaken with juniper trees. The cedarwood oil may de derived from leaves, needles, bark, and berries of cedar trees through steam distillation process. The benefits of cedarwood oil include improve hair loss, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anitseptic, aide insomnia and ease anxiety.

A clinical trial conducted by dermatologists in 1998, <Randomized trial of aromatherapy. Successful treatment for alopecia areata> with the aromatherapy treatment for hair loss, alopecia areata, found that the mixture of thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood essential oils for regular scalp massage with carrier oils showed 44% of the tested group patients has good result on hair growth.

With the property of anti-inflammatory, the topical application of cedarwood oil aides the symptoms of irritation, redness, itchiness. It is also known to be effective on treating acne.

Aromatherapy – Cedarwood oil has some sweet and woody scent provides a soothing effect on stress relief and sleep improvement. It can used used in a diffuseur alone or mix with other essential oils such as lavender. Its antiseptic and anti-fungal characteristics is ideal for Spring cleaning.

Essential Oil Blends for Aromatherapy

Essential Oil Blends for Aromatherapy

Spring Rain: Cedarwood, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Spearmint

Spring Blossom: Lavender, Sage, Orange

Spring Clever : Lemon, Basil

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