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🌿 Educational Series: How To Protect Yourselves from Non-Compliant Natural Soap Makers!

While strolling through artisan markets or farmer's markets, it's essential to be discerning about the products you choose, especially when it comes to natural soaps. Unfortunately, not all vendors adhere to safety regulations or provide products that are genuinely beneficial. Here's what to watch out for:

Ingredient Transparency Matters
Ingredient Transparency Matters

1. Ingredient Transparency Matters: One of the first things to check when considering a natural soap is the ingredient list. Reputable natural soap makers prioritize transparency, clearly listing all ingredients used. Be wary of vague or undisclosed ingredients, as they may hide potential allergens or irritants. Health Canada requires all personal care product to submit a Cosmetics Notification with the list of ingredients and the corresponding percentages so that any 'hot-listed' ingredient needs to be monitored the usage in the formulas. However, if any soap maker claim that their products are 'Health Canada Approved', questions should be raised as the governing agency does not provide such declaration.

2. Beware of Dubious Health Claims: Some soap makers may tout their products as miracle cures for various ailments or skin conditions. Be wary of those who make unsubstantiated health claims, especially those related to healing properties. Genuine healing products should be certified with a Drug Identification Number (DIN) or a Natural Product Number (NPN). Look for these certifications to ensure the soap meets health and safety standards.

Safety First, Always
Safety First, Always

3. Safety First, Always: Responsible soap makers prioritize consumer safety above all else. They follow good manufacturing practices and adhere to regulatory requirements to ensure their products are safe for use. Look for indications of safe production practices, such as adherence to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines. I have a personal story years ago when I first had my hands on making skin-care product such as lotion amd facial scrub. I attended a workshop hosted by some 'researcher/ expert' and left the location empty-handed. The instructor and the participants did not wear gloves, and the utensils and containers were not properly cleaned nor sanitized. There was no information about the preservative or the storing method provided. I was pretty sure that the coffee scrub in a yugourt container will grow mold within 2 weeks in the fridge.

️ 4. Leave Food Out of Personal Care Products: Choose natural soap crafted by experienced professionals who prioritize safety in their formulations. Some hobbyist soap makers may use food items in their creations. It's essential to steer clear of natural soap makers who incorporate food items into their creations. Using food in soap formulations can lead to unpredictable results, preservation issues, and compromise the safety and efficacy of the final product. Experienced professionals rely on tested recipes and avoid ingredients with limited shelf lives to ensure product quality and longevity. If you are making soap as a hobby and want to experiment with verities, by all means let your creativity shines. However, bear in mind that these soaps made with transformed food has to been paid attention on the conservation.

By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself from potentially harmful products and support local artisans who prioritize quality, safety, and transparency. Let's promote a culture of consumer awareness and responsible production in the natural skincare industry.

Let's advocate for a safer marketplace and empower consumers to make educated choices for their skincare needs.

Stay informed and vigilant
Stay informed and vigilant

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